25 июля 2012 03:18 Почему Павел Дуров — не порно-король?Большинство завсегдатаев Рунета, наверняка, уже слышали о недавнем иске мурманской прокуратуры к социальной сети «В Контакте». Обвинения в бездействии по блокированию порнографии поддержали и журналисты. При этом ни те, ни другие не удосужились узнать, действительно ли Дуров и команда сидят, сложа ручки. Попробуем разобраться самостоятельно. Чтобы не быть голословными, с вопросом о методах фильтрации порнографии мы обратились в службу поддержки пользователей «В Контакте». Ответ не заставил себя долго ждать. Первоочередной задачей в этом направлении является борьба с детским порно. Для этого используются автоматические фильтры, а также работа модераторов и помощь активистов из «Лиги безопасного интернета» и фонда «Дружественный рунет». Более того, вы и сами можете пожаловаться на незаконную видеозапись и ее распространителя. Соответствующую ссылку можно найти под каждым роликом, а также в левой колонке профиля пользователя.
Что же касается обычного порно, то свою позицию по этому поводу Павел Дуров высказал еще год назад: «Мы не стремимся создать видимость отсутствия порнографии там, где она есть». При этом — опять же — все видеозаписи фильтруются, а благодаря функции «Безопасного поиска» вероятность наткнуться на «клубничку» практически исключена. Если взглянуть на сложившуюся ситуацию трезво, она абсурдна: взрослые люди просят систему показать им что-нибудь погорячее, а потом на всю страну возмущаются тем, что она исполнила их пожелания, даже не разобравшись в механизмах ее работы. Забавнее всего наблюдать за тем, с какой легкостью площадку обвиняют во всевозможных грехах, совершенно не обращая внимания на себя. И время-то «В Контакте» пожирает, и психику разрушает, и ладошки у некоторых вот-вот в кровь сотрутся… А виноват во всем, конечно же, Паша — все вопросы к нему. Тьфу. Владимир Квасников HarryBlisy О нашей компании KennethVar О нашей компании RobertZet О нашей компании Louiejardy Members of the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, will completely switch to domestically produced cars at work. The change was described as a way to boost the country’s automotive companies. Gilbertnum Members of the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, will completely switch to domestically produced cars at work. The change was described as a way to boost the country’s automotive companies. GreggBoaks Members of the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, will completely switch to domestically produced cars at work. The change was described as a way to boost the country’s automotive companies. EdwardDow Даркнет: Мифы и Реальность Matthewber The official website Space Lilly Casino Casino is another gambling scam, which is better to stay away from. The operator works with scripting software, and seeks to attract visitors with a generous bonus policy, a loyalty program with cash gifts and popular slot machines. The main target audience of the brand are players from Canada and the CIS countries, so the site is fully translated into English. Huikee Casino : Hefty starting package GrandWild Casino : Generous offer for new punters Jackpot Wheel Casino : Excellent customer service Fight Club Casino : Welcome offer for newcomers Casino Action : Incentives for loyal patrons sultanbet Casino : Huge choice of video slots Slotbox Casino : Welcome no-deposit bonus Casinozer Casino : Massively big gaming platform Best Online Casino Australia : Wednesday extra spins Primedice : A weekend cashback bonus 1. Huikee Casino - Hefty starting package The Prestige online casino appeared on the Internet in 2011 and, despite its name, has not managed to gain credibility among players for several years of operation. The site contains a meager collection of games, and information about the presence of a gambling license is not confirmed. Experienced gamblers bypass the casino, and beginners are attracted by a generous no deposit bonus, but it is almost impossible to wager it. 2. GrandWild Casino - Generous offer for new punters Bettson online casino belongs to a well-known brand with a long history in the field of gambling. The site provides gaming services in three directions at once: sports betting, poker room and online casino. A good reputation, a wide range of gambling entertainment and a strong customer support attract gamblers from all over the world. However, the casino is focused on players from Western and Northern Europe, as indicated by a set of interface language settings and a list of available currencies for maintaining an account. 3. Jackpot Wheel Casino - Excellent customer serviceRelatively recently, the official site Jackpot Wheel Casino Casino appeared on the network. The developers focused on cryptocurrencies, but did not provide the opportunity to maintain an account in dollars or other traditional currencies. It is not even known for certain who exactly owns this project - the site does not say a word about the real owners. 4. Fight Club Casino - Welcome offer for newcomers In 2019, fans of slots and live broadcasts started playing Fight Club Casino on the official website. The operator offered users a high level of service, a good collection of software and an extended bonus program. So that the players do not have questions about the honesty of the developers, they issued a license that can be easily verified. 5. Casino Action - Incentives for loyal patrons In the field of online gambling entertainment, new platforms with slot machines are constantly appearing. Each operator tries to surprise and interest potential customers with something, pushing them to register. One of the interesting projects of recent years is the Vin Tomato online casino. The developers came up with an unusual and catchy name, did not take the design seriously, but offered good conditions to fans of gambling entertainment. 6. sultanbet Casino - Huge choice of video slots The official website sultanbet Casino , which has existed since 2021, is a cryptocurrency casino whose creators have relied on the confidentiality of user data and the anonymity of transactions during deposits and payouts. The administration requests verification in the rarest of cases - only if the player is suspected of fraud or other illegal activities. 7. Slotbox Casino - Welcome no-deposit bonusThe official site Slotbox Casino Casino is fully focused on the English-speaking segment of the gambling audience. It belongs to a domestic operator, which did not add other localization options (not even English). When the site was just launched, the owners focused on the bonus program. It turned out to be the most profitable and attractive for beginners. Gradually, the situation began to deteriorate, and customers massively stopped playing slot machines at the Avro casino for money. 8. Casinozer Casino - Massively big gaming platform Casinozer Casino Casino is aimed at UK players. The operator offers a small collection of gambling entertainment and adheres to territorial restrictions. For this reason (also due to the lack of a English-language interface), the casino is not popular in Canada and 9. Best Online Casino Australia - Wednesday extra spins The multi-format licensed Internet platform began its work in 2017. Since then, it has received many positive user reviews. The site has collected more than 3000 video slots. Online casino Bet Boom offers a generous welcome bonus for new players and an advanced loyalty program with growing cashback. 10. Primedice - A weekend cashback bonus The online casino Primedice offers a good selection of games and promises generous bonuses. The operator is trying to attract customers with a large number of promotions and tournaments, as well as a variety of entertainment - in addition to traditional gambling on the site, you can bet on sports in various formats. At the same time, the brand owners do not confirm the fact that they have a license, which eliminates the listed advantages. RobertLigue X, previously Twitter, announced its decision to permit political advertising in the US from candidates and parties, along with an expansion of its safety and elections team before the 2024 presidential election. 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