25 июля 2012 03:18 Почему Павел Дуров — не порно-король?Большинство завсегдатаев Рунета, наверняка, уже слышали о недавнем иске мурманской прокуратуры к социальной сети «В Контакте». Обвинения в бездействии по блокированию порнографии поддержали и журналисты. При этом ни те, ни другие не удосужились узнать, действительно ли Дуров и команда сидят, сложа ручки. Попробуем разобраться самостоятельно. Чтобы не быть голословными, с вопросом о методах фильтрации порнографии мы обратились в службу поддержки пользователей «В Контакте». Ответ не заставил себя долго ждать. Первоочередной задачей в этом направлении является борьба с детским порно. Для этого используются автоматические фильтры, а также работа модераторов и помощь активистов из «Лиги безопасного интернета» и фонда «Дружественный рунет». Более того, вы и сами можете пожаловаться на незаконную видеозапись и ее распространителя. Соответствующую ссылку можно найти под каждым роликом, а также в левой колонке профиля пользователя.
Что же касается обычного порно, то свою позицию по этому поводу Павел Дуров высказал еще год назад: «Мы не стремимся создать видимость отсутствия порнографии там, где она есть». При этом — опять же — все видеозаписи фильтруются, а благодаря функции «Безопасного поиска» вероятность наткнуться на «клубничку» практически исключена. Если взглянуть на сложившуюся ситуацию трезво, она абсурдна: взрослые люди просят систему показать им что-нибудь погорячее, а потом на всю страну возмущаются тем, что она исполнила их пожелания, даже не разобравшись в механизмах ее работы. Забавнее всего наблюдать за тем, с какой легкостью площадку обвиняют во всевозможных грехах, совершенно не обращая внимания на себя. И время-то «В Контакте» пожирает, и психику разрушает, и ладошки у некоторых вот-вот в кровь сотрутся… А виноват во всем, конечно же, Паша — все вопросы к нему. Тьфу. Владимир Квасников Jameswep Users who prefer honest online casinos usually refuse to play slots at Vulkan Gold casino for money, as it operates without a license. They offer scripted slots with unpredictable RTP. Fake software is unlikely to win anything. It does not even allow you to fulfill the wagering requirements for the already meager bonuses. Suomi Kasino : Mobile optimised gameplay Online Casino UK : Free Spins Every Morning NewVegas Casino : No deposit offer (T&C’s apply) Evolve Casino : VIP points awarded for wagers SlotWolf Casino : A unique selection of dice games Kajot Casino : Bitcoin and crypto only Gamdom Casino : Top-tier providers under one roof EUslot : Massive library with 2400+ games AxeCasino : Bonus for new customers BitCasino.io : Crypto-players are welcome 1. Suomi Kasino - Mobile optimised gameplay In 2009, one of the UKian companies launched a site with slot machines and bookmaker bets. It was an online casino GrandCasino By, which continues to develop to this day. Over the years of its existence, the project has undergone a lot of changes, as a result of which more and more gamblers are willing to register here, take part in tournaments, win money in original slots or make a few sports bets. 2. Online Casino UK - Free Spins Every Morning The licensed online casino began its work in 2021. The operator attracts gambling users with an impressive range of entertainment and lucrative bonuses. The minimum deposit amount is only 50 rubles, and you can receive your winnings within 15 minutes. Online casino Online Casino UK has a good reputation among users. 3. NewVegas Casino - No deposit offer (T&C’s apply) The online casino NewVegas Casino was originally designed for players from Western Europe, and all information was provided in English. Now the site is available in many languages, including English, so gamblers from all over the world play here. The operator has an official Maltese license, but on foreign forums, users complain about the service and attitude of the administration towards customers. Perhaps this is the reason why the owners of the site decided to close it in 2020. 4. Evolve Casino - VIP points awarded for wagers In 1999, the official casino website Evolve Casino appeared in the segment of online gambling entertainment. It was launched by a well-known operator that offered users licensed software from just one provider. The site did not become popular with players from Canada and the CIS countries due to the lack of a English-language interface and the ability to open a ruble account. 5. SlotWolf Casino - A unique selection of dice games SlotWolf Casino is a recognizable and reputable brand that has been pleasing poker fans for almost two decades. In 2014, an online casino of the same name was opened with licensed software, a English-language interface and strong player support. 6. Kajot Casino - Bitcoin and crypto only PokerMatch is a well-known Ukrainian poker room that has taken the path of expanding the range of gambling games and introduced a section with slot machines. Initially, the casino was focused on the Ukrainian audience, but now the operator is actively promoting its brand to the English and European markets. Players can deposit and withdraw money in hryvnias, dollars, rubles and euros. 7. Gamdom Casino - Top-tier providers under one roof The official website of the casino Gamdom Casino belongs to a well-known operator that manages many other popular projects in the field of online gambling. High ratings and positive feedback from players are due not only to an extensive collection of gambling entertainment, but also to a developed bonus program, the presence of a confirmed license and the companys loyal attitude towards its users. 8. EUslot - Massive library with 2400+ games The official website of the casino EUslot has gained a good reputation among gamblers. For the convenience of players from Canada and the CIS countries, the developers have provided an interface in English and the possibility of maintaining a ruble account. Generous bonuses are available for beginners, including one no deposit bonus, and the loyalty program contains privileges for active users. 9. AxeCasino - Bonus for new customers Online casino AxeCasino was created in 2016 on the platform of a Ukrainian bookmaker. The main advantages of the site are a large collection of games from 129 providers and a low entry threshold with a deposit of 100 rubles. The operator offers a variety of deposit methods, a generous welcome package with three bonuses, sports betting, lotteries and many other benefits. 10. BitCasino.io - Crypto-players are welcomeThe site operates without a license and offers uncertified software. The lack of a loyalty program and bonuses for regular customers makes the site uncompetitive even among scripted casinos. It is not recommended to play slot machines at WGCasino for real money, it is better to use the demo mode. Davidnon В наше время мир полон различных юридических вопросов, которые могут затронуть каждого из нас. Важно знать, что юрист у військових справах Запоріжжя у військовій частинівоенный адвокат Запорожье призывник всегда есть специалисты, готовые помочь в решении этих вопросов. Один из таких специалистов - адвокат в Запорожье.Адвокат Запорожье: Этот профессионал предоставляет юридические консультации и услуги в Запорожье и его окрестностях. Но давайте подробнее рассмотрим, какие задачи решает адвокат в Запорожье и почему важно обратиться за юридической помощью.Семейное право: Адвокат в Запорожье может помочь в разрешении семейных споров, разводах, усыновлении и установлении отцовства. Он знает законы, регулирующие семейные отношения, и поможет защитить ваши интересы.Уголовное право: Если вы столкнулись с уголовными обвинениями, адвокат в Запорожье будет вашим адвокатом в суде, защищая ваши права и интересы.Гражданское право: Адвокат поможет в вопросах о сделках, наследстве, владении и пользовании недвижимостью, а также других гражданских вопросах.Трудовое право: В случае конфликтов с работодателем или другими трудовыми вопросами, адвокат защитит ваши права в соответствии с трудовым законодательством.Защита прав потребителей: Если ваши права как потребителя были нарушены, адвокат в Запорожье поможет в вопросах гарантий, возврата товаров и других потребительских спорах.Жилищные вопросы: Адвокат может помочь с вопросами о недвижимости, аренде, регистрации прав собственности и другими связанными с жильем проблемами.Бизнес-право: При ведении бизнеса важно соблюдать юридические нормы. Адвокат в Запорожье может консультировать по вопросам регистрации фирмы, договоров, налогообложения и другим предпринимательским вопросам.Обратившись к адвокату в Запорожье, вы получаете гарантию квалифицированной и профессиональной юридической помощи. Это важно для защиты ваших прав и интересов в различных ситуациях. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к адвокату, когда вам нужна помощь в юридических вопросах. Petermon The official site DoubleBet Casino Casino has a simple design and was created mainly for European gamblers. Distinctive features include a generous welcome bonus package and Chinese-style design. The lack of a full-fledged English-language interface creates inconvenience for players from Canada and the CIS countries. MiraxCasino : Extra spins for all depositors Booi : Attractive welcome package Buzzluck Casino : Versatile promotional campaigns Primedice : Major currencies accepted. Race Casino : Valuable welcome bonus offer 7Bit Casino : Unique rewards system PlayToro Casino : Loyalty program implemented SlotsPalace Casino : Extra spins on specific games Best Online Casino UK for Real Money : Selection of weekly match bonuses iLUCKI Casino : Caters to Spanish players 1. MiraxCasino - Extra spins for all depositors The official site MiraxCasino Casino is designed primarily for players from the UK, but there are many gamblers from other countries of Western Europe among the casinos customers. The audience is attracted by the fact that Ice36 online casino operates on the basis of two licenses at once and offers a wide collection of gambling games. But there are also things that repel players. For example, it can take up to 7 days to process applications for winnings. For this reason, customers complain about the operator and rate the casino low. 2. Booi - Attractive welcome package The official website Booi Casino has been on the market for less than a year, gradually developing and improving the quality of player service. The licensed operator took care of the permit, offered a large collection of software and developed a profitable bonus policy, offering generous welcome promotions to newcomers. 3. Buzzluck Casino - Versatile promotional campaigns Buzzluck Casino Casino is aimed at UK players. The operator offers a small collection of gambling entertainment and adheres to territorial restrictions. For this reason (also due to the lack of a English-language interface), the casino is not popular in Canada and 4. Primedice - Major currencies accepted. Primedice is an actively developing European casino that has been operating since 2017 and offers a huge number of gambling games. Customers have access to over 3,500 titles from the largest providers, most of the games can be played for free thanks to the av 5. Race Casino - Valuable welcome bonus offer The licensed online casino Azart Zona is a project with an original visual component, which may seem outdated to many. However, there is a peculiar twist here. The site has been operating for more than 15 years, but is almost not developing - the collection of gambling games is small, there are relatively few bonuses, and instead of a multi-level loyalty program there is only a VIP club, which is not so easy to join. 6. 7Bit Casino - Unique rewards system 7Bit Casino is a new casino, the concept of which is to provide players with a high level of service. In particular, the operator guarantees a quick withdrawal of winnings, which is reflected in the name of the site. The administration claims that it takes no m 7. PlayToro Casino - Loyalty program implemented Slava online casino worked without a license for a long time, so many players doubted the originality of the software offered by the operator. At the same time, newcomers were attracted by bonus offers, although their conditions are not spelled out in sufficient detail. In 2020, the situation has changed slightly for the better, as the company managed to get a license. 8. SlotsPalace Casino - Extra spins on specific games The official website SlotsPalace Casino Casino is a relatively new promising project that has been operating since 2019. It is owned and operated by the licensed company Koleso Group NV, registered in Curacao. Users have access to information about obtaining official permission to conduct gambling activities. 9. Best Online Casino UK for Real Money - Selection of weekly match bonusesSlava online casino worked without a license for a long time, so many players doubted the originality of the software offered by the operator. At the same time, newcomers were attracted by bonus offers, although their conditions are not spelled out in sufficient detail. In 2020, the situation has changed slightly for the better, as the company managed to get a license. 10. iLUCKI Casino - Caters to Spanish players The official website of Casumo Casino has been operating since 2012, offering gambling lovers a wide range of video slots and other games. The operator provides only licensed software from popular providers, including slots from the legendary Novomatic manufacturer that are not available for most casinos. The site is not aimed at players from Canada, therefore it does not have a English-language interface. But this does not deter gamblers who prefer to play only in proven online casinos with a high rating. Isaacabomy Bettson online casino belongs to a well-known brand with a long history in the field of gambling. The site provides gaming services in three directions at once: sports betting, poker room and online casino. A good reputation, a wide range of gambling entertainment and a strong customer support attract gamblers from all over the world. However, the casino is focused on players from Western and Northern Europe, as indicated by a set of interface language settings and a list of available currencies for maintaining an account. Luckystar.io : Hot & Spicy welcome package Betway Casino : News, blog and guides section Kajot Casino : Sign-up bonus package Jackpot Capital : Welcoming bonus offer Grand Mondial : Plenty of seasonal promotions TrustDice : Loyalty program implemented Bao Casino : No fees on withdrawals Best USA Online Casinos : Off-the-charts game offering ArtCasino : Incentives for newbies PropaWin : Other daily promotional offers 1. Luckystar.io - Hot & Spicy welcome package A Swiss online gambling site with original gambling entertainment and a generous welcome bonus. The operator has received a license and provides services only to players from Switzerland. Users from other countries are not allowed to register on the site and spin the reels at Mycasino online casino for free or for money. 2. Betway Casino - News, blog and guides section When the participants of the gambling community were given the opportunity to play slot machines in the Betway Casino casino for money, they had an ambiguous attitude towards this project. It is owned by an operator with a confirmed license. Despite this, players are constantly faced with various problems, for which many complaints have been published on the network. 3. Kajot Casino - Sign-up bonus package Casino Kajot Casino is aimed at Internet users from Canada and the CIS countries, this is indicated by a high-quality English-language interface and the ability to create an account in English rubles. The gaming lobby features over 1,800 licensed gambling games from popular providers. One of three starting bonuses is available for beginners to choose from, and regular players advance through a multi-level loyalty system, increasing cashback and receiving privileges. 4. Jackpot Capital - Welcoming bonus offer The official site Jackpot Capital Casino attracts users with a detailed bonus program, bright design and a large collection of entertainment. The operator has a prestigious MGA license and offers regular tournaments for active players. The casino is aimed at users from Europe. 5. Grand Mondial - Plenty of seasonal promotions When the Mr. Green online casino was just launched, gambling enthusiasts immediately showed genuine interest in it. The operator is well prepared by issuing two licenses at once and offering users an impressive collection of slots. Players from Canada and the CIS countries lacked only the English-language interface and the ability to open an account in English rubles. Also, many would like to see a more advanced bonus policy and VIP program on the site. 6. TrustDice - Loyalty program implemented The young online casino Vesper has been developing rapidly since its inception, attracting more and more new players. An official license, an extensive bonus program and a number of other features that were highly appreciated by users allowed the operator to gain a foothold in the gambling market in a highly competitive environment. 7. Bao Casino - No fees on withdrawals Lilibet is a relatively young and promising online casino that attracts the attention of players with comfortable conditions for online gambling, loyal attitude towards its customers and original software. Along with video slots and live broadcasts, the owner offers sports betting to users. An interesting VIP program and other exciting opportunities are available to customers of the online casino Bao Casino . 8. Best USA Online Casinos - Off-the-charts game offering The launch of the official website Best USA Online Casinos Casino took place in 2008. At that moment, the project turned out to be attractive for users in many respects, since the operator owned a Malta license, offered generous bonuses and had several hundred slot machines from Microgaming in its collection. Over time, the reputation of the owners has deteriorated, and more and more negative reviews began to appear on the network. 9. ArtCasino - Incentives for newbies Admiral Casino is one of the many gaming sites that does not stand out from the competition. The English-language interface and the opening of a game account only in rubles indicate that the casino is focused on players from the English Federation and neighboring countries. 10. PropaWin - Other daily promotional offers The licensed Internet project offers more than 3,500 gambling entertainments and a generous bonus program. The online casino PropaWin is aimed at players from Western Europe. The operator is famous for instant payments and high-quality customer support, however, consultations in English are not available to users from Canada and the CIS countries. Anthonyartiz The official website Prime Casino has a long history as it has been around since 2008. During this period, the operator has not improved anything and failed to win the recognition of gambling enthusiasts. Experienced players are immediately scared away by scripted slots and the lack of a license, while beginners pay attention to the outdated and too simple design. It is too risky to play 3ace slot machines for money, not only because of counterfeit devices, but also because of the operator’s dishonest attitude towards their customers. OctoCasino : Welcome offer for new depositors 20Bet Casino : Crypto friendly environment Tusk Casino : Incentives throughout the week All British Casino : Analysis and tips on betting Best Online Casinos Canada : Refer-a-friend program available BB Casino : Extra spins upon registration MoiCasino : Frequent slot tournaments Casombie Casino : A well-developed loyalty program LTC Casino : Regular tournament modes Sugar Casino : Regular weekly tournament modes 1. OctoCasino - Welcome offer for new depositors SkyBet is a well-known brand of the largest British bookmaker, on the basis of which other platforms with gambling entertainment were launched: poker room, bingo, lotteries and online casinos. Despite the use of an exclusively English-language interface, a large number of gamblers from all over the world play here. The operator is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and offers about 700 gambling games from the best providers. 2. 20Bet Casino - Crypto friendly environmentAn online casino without a license and certificates for slots offers welcome bonuses, lotteries and tournaments. As part of the loyalty program, players receive increased cashback and additional money on their balance. The original design of sections and popular entertainment attract users. The official site 20Bet Casino Casino offers to play in demo mode without registration. 3. Tusk Casino - Incentives throughout the weekThe bookmaker opened an online casino on its platform with slot machines, a loyalty program and regular tournaments. The official site Tusk Casino Casino is aimed at users from Canada and the CIS countries. The casino operates under an official license and offers about 15,000 types of games. There were no complaints about delays in payments from the players. 4. All British Casino - Analysis and tips on betting Casino All British Casino was opened in 2004 and attracted players with a developed loyalty program and licensed software from the Microgaming provider. At the same time, the lack of a full-fledged English-language interface and the ban on creating an account in rubles cause inconvenience. The set of games is relatively small, and the bonus policy is very weak, which reduces the attractiveness of the resource for players from Canada and the CIS. 5. Best Online Casinos Canada - Refer-a-friend program available The official website of the casino Best Online Casinos Canada belongs to a well-known operator that manages many other popular projects in the field of online gambling. High ratings and positive feedback from players are due not only to an extensive collection of gambling entertainment, but also to a developed bonus program, the presence of a confirmed license and the companys loyal attitude towards its users. 6. BB Casino - Extra spins upon registration In 2015, Mediagamble SRL launched the official casino website BB Casino , which was originally created for English-speaking players. This is indicated by only one available interface language and the possibility of maintaining an account exclusively in English rubles. The operator made a bet on profitable bonuses and original software of its own design. It worked - fans of gambling entertainment really began to actively register and play slot machines in the BB Casino casino for money. 7. MoiCasino - Frequent slot tournaments Online casino MoiCasino has been operating since 2015. The site offers games from several top providers. Also available is the ability to bet on sports and e-disciplines. Playing at MoiCasino casino on the official website will turn out not only for money, but also for free. The site has several regular promotions. In particular, a good welcome bonus for new players is available. 8. Casombie Casino - A well-developed loyalty program The official site Casombie Casino Casino is a young project that offers users more than 1000 slot machines, an interesting bonus program and regular tournaments. The casino appeared as a result of the rebranding of Azartmania, which has existed since 2012. English-speaking players note the presence of a full-fledged English-language localization and the ability to open an account in English rubles. 9. LTC Casino - Regular tournament modes Twist online casino was originally created for a English-speaking audience, although the interface has also been additionally translated into English. The site is not popular among lovers of quality gambling entertainment, as the operator operates without a license and offers scripted video slots. The main emphasis was placed on the bonus program, but even it did not allow the casino to earn high marks from the players. 10. Sugar Casino - Regular weekly tournament modes Lotoru online casino has been operating since 1999 and offers a good range of gambling entertainment - more than 1,200 titles in total. Players can enjoy video slots, live dealer games, roulette and table games. The design of the site is made in the style of minimalism, but the interface is quite convenient. Over the years of its existence, the project has been repeatedly reworked, changing not only the design of the pages, but also services, bonus policy, etc. In the spring of 2022, the project closed and no longer accepts players. JamesNEUSE Tips for Profitable Crypto Exchange Stevenses Tips for Profitable Crypto Exchange Jasonsef Tips for Profitable Crypto Exchange JustinTairM "Даркнет: Тайный Мир Интернета и Товары без Ограничений"Интернет является местом, где мы можем найти практически всю информацию и товары kraken магазин, которые мы можем себе представить. Однако существует скрытая сторона этой вселенной, известная как "даркнет" или "темная сеть". Даркнет представляет собой часть интернета, скрытую от обычных поисковых систем и доступную только через специальные программы, такие как Tor. Это место, где анонимность и безопасность играют важную роль, и где можно найти разнообразные товары и услуги, как легальные, так и незаконные. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, что такое даркнет и какие товары там можно купить.Что такое даркнет?Даркнет – это часть интернета, которая не индексируется обычными поисковыми системами, такими как Google или Bing. Для доступа к ней требуются специальные программы для анонимизации, такие как Tor (The Onion Router), которые маскируют ваш IP-адрес и делают вас анонимными. Это делает даркнет привлекательным для людей, которые хотят обойти цензуру, оставаться анонимными или заниматься незаконными деятельностями.Что можно купить в даркнете?В даркнете можно найти широкий спектр товаров и услуг. Некоторые из них легальны и полезны, в то время как другие находятся в серой или незаконной зоне. Вот некоторые из категорий товаров и услуг, доступных в даркнете:Наркотики: Даркнет известен своими "наркорынками", где можно найти наркотики различных видов и качества. Это одна из самых опасных сторон даркнета, так как встречаются мошеннические продавцы.Оружие и боеприпасы: Несмотря на незаконность, в даркнете можно найти продавцов, предлагающих огнестрельное оружие и боеприпасы.Краденые данные и информация: Здесь можно приобрести украденные кредитные карты, персональные данные и другую конфиденциальную информацию.Фальшивые документы: На даркнете можно заказать фальшивые паспорта, водительские удостоверения и документы.Услуги хакеров: Многие хакеры и киберпреступники предлагают свои услуги взлома аккаунтов, веб-сайтов и другие атаки на информационную безопасность.Легальные товары и услуги: На даркнете также можно найти легальные товары и услуги, такие как книги, программное обеспечение, хостинг-услуги, форумы и многое другое.Риски и опасности даркнетаХотя даркнет может предоставлять доступ к анонимным ресурсам и услугам, он также сопряжен с рисками. Во-первых, сделки в даркнете часто совершаются с использованием криптовалют, что делает их трудными для отслеживания и расследования. Во-вторых, многие продавцы мошенничают, и покупатели могут столкнуться с потерей денег или даже стать жертвами преступлений.Более того, участие в незаконных деятельностях в даркнете может иметь юридические последствия, так как оно нарушает законодательство многих стран.ЗаключениеДаркнет представляет собой сложный и двойственный мир, который привлекает разных людей по разным причинам. Он предоставляет доступ к различным товарам и услугам, но также сопряжен с серьезными рисками и потенциальными негативными последствиями. Важно помнить, что деятельность в даркнете должна быть законной и этичной, и всегда следует соблюдать законы своей страны. 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2023-10-19 16:41:49
О нашей компании
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